Bread, Tea & Dignity

On Going

According to the International Organization for Migration, Morocco remains on the list of “most frequent countries of origin” reported among all arrivals in Europe.” Discrimination and marginalization can have an impact deep on the circus community in Morocco. Despite their talents and their creativity, these artists can be rejected by society in because of their unique appearance and artistic choices, even their own family. Therefore, many artists claim that the only option is to immigrate to Europe, where they believe they have more opportunities to pursue their passion and provide for themselves and their families. In 2019, and for the first time, I was invited by a friend to attend a circus show called «Awal-kalam», wish means the first speech, in a circus school in Morocco.

«Bread, Tea & Dignity» is a documentary project, centered on stories complexes of Moroccan youth, where I explore their resistance, how do they think? Why are they still fighting against the frustrations? why do they choose Europe over staying in Morocco? My goal is to draw attention to this situation by alerting public opinion and the organizations concerned. It is also a request to reconsider the issue of acceptance of the other. The idea is to show their stories of full fights and challenges hope as an essential part of the human experience, and talking can help foster a greater sense of resilience and well-being to create a sense of solidarity, of community and social justice.